An Astronomer Passionate about Data Visualization & Data Art

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Hi! I am an award-winning data visualization designer and data artist. My name is Nadieh Bremer, which is pronounced as Na-di (di as in ra-di-o), so forget about that eh at the end. Nice to see you here! Let me explain a bit more about myself and how I got to where I am now.

I’m a freelancing data visualization designer and artist, working from a lovely house in the woods, somewhere in the Netherlands, with a background in data science. In 2011 I graduated as an Astronomer from the University of Leiden. Looking for more tangible and dynamic work I left the world of academia and worked as an analytics consultant and data scientist at Deloitte for four years.

It took me a while to realize that, although I liked doing data analysis, I loved the visualization of the analysis and insights. In my evenings and weekends, I started teaching myself about the subject of data visualization and I also started creating personal projects. A year later in 2015, I got the opportunity to join Adyen as a full-time data visualization designer. There I worked on designing & building dashboards and other data visualizations for their client environment.

However, after a year I figured out that my passion lies with the more creative kind of data visualization, not dashboards. Therefore, I quit my job to become a freelancing data visualization designer to explore if there is a market for unique and captivating visualizations of data. If you’d like, you can read this blog for a more thorough story about my journey from Astronomy to Dataviz.

My projects include print and web-based (subtly) interactive data visualizations. From single charts to whole stories involving many unique and custom-made visuals. I love doing static visuals the most, as this gives me the freedom to get as creative as I can be. However, I also enjoy adding some subtle animations and interactions to my work. Going all the way to the creative side, I make data art to frame on a wall or use as branding or marketing material. And finally, I thoroughly enjoy spreading my enthusiasm for good data visualization by speaking and presenting at meetups and conferences.

If you’re interested in my projects & experiments, please feel free to contact me to find out how we might work together!



Data Sketches Playful Data


Milan Art Week

I love to speak & teach about my passion for data visualization

I’ve had the pleasure of speaking at conferences such as

Selected interviews

Selected online press